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[Fan Fiction] The Alliance

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[Fan Fiction] The Alliance Empty [Fan Fiction] The Alliance

Post by Kyroseeker Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:37 pm

this is a story about three chosen one's who must save the world i know it’s the usual, but I hope you like it thanks and enjoy.

Chapter 1
It was a morning with no expectations nothing special at all was happening on this day and kyro had to work. He had to put a cloth over the chairs close all the windows it was 5:00am when he finished and he was tired, he fell on the couch and went right to bed and woke up at 1:00pm his parents were gone and it was only him at his house when he heard the phone it was his parents on the other line.

Hello Mom? I said

Kyro! Mom Exclaimed

Mom what do you want I exclaimed

Kyro you need to pick up some things we need 5 apples 2 pineapples 3 oranges mom said.

Ugh do I have to mom I just woke up! I said

Honey you need to pick up these things I’m at the dentist with your father mother said.

Fine I’ll pick up what we need are we making fruit salad again? I said

Yes dear we are mother said in a frantic voice.

Ah why did I watch the wiggles when I was young I said

Fruit Salad yummy yummy mom said

Hug why do you always sing that song mother? I protruded.

Because Kyro it’s very catchy mom answered.

Kyro walked to the store in a brisk pace wanting to get done with this as soon as he could he didn’t like going to the grocery store when he got there he ran
straight to the apples .

“Wow these apples are really nice there glistening in the light” I said in my head.

Your looking at those apples aren’t you sonny an odd man said.

Yes sir they look really good I repeated.

“Where did that man come from” I wondered.

Kyro got all of the fruits and went up to the front counter to pay for what he had gotten.

Excuse me Ma’am I’d like to pay for these fruits please

Of course, do you have enough money to buy all those fruits asked the lady wondered.

Yes I do my mother gave me money to buy this for fruit salad were making for dinner I said.

That will be $24.67cents sir the lady said.

Here you go $24.67cents exactly I repeated.

Kyro walked out the door and back to his house the door was unlocked which meant his parents were back when he entered his mom was very pleased with
him and rewarded him the a hug

Mom a hug that’s all? I said.

A hug is worth more than any amount of money honey*she laughs* said mom.

I guess your right mom I said

Hey want to try out the new fishing rod I just bought from Casey? Said dad.

You bet I do dad! I exclaimed.

Kyro and his dad went down to the lake and started to fish at about 2:30am

I think I got something kyro! Dad said

Really ill go get the towel! I said

A ha got you! Said dad

What did you catch? I wondered

A northern pike it’s about 32inches dad said in a low voice.

Wow I wish I could catch a fish like that! I said

You will one day kyro you will dad said swiftly

Kyro and his dad went back up to the cabin and told Kyro’s mom the good news about the fish.

Really Nick? You caught a fish? Mom said

Yes I did we’ll cook him up tonight for sure dad said with a smile.

Well, I’m going to go up in my room guys I’ll be back down in a little while though I said.

Are boy he’s amazing isn’t he said father

Yes that’s our kyro for sure mom repeated.

Kyro was upstairs changing into his swim suite and getting ready for a relaxing bathe in the bathtub

Kyro! Don’t use the entire hot water okay yelled dad.

Okay!! I yelled back

Kyro came out of the bath and rested on the sofa and then fell asleep briskly on the sofa

Kyro? Wake up you’ve been sleeping on the sofa for an hour

Oh really*kyro yawns* ah ill go up to bed now mom I said.

Ok kyro hurry upstairs ok good night said mom.

The next day kyro woke up to a glass of milk and eggs for breakfast his dad left early for work so he could be home earlier.

Bye kyro and Laura said dad.

See you later dad I said

Bye honey I’ll see you at dinner mom said in a quiet voice.

When Kyro’s dad left kyro felt something flair up in his stomach like fire on a stove he told his mom about it and she looked surprised

With her mouth wide open she said you’re the one she repeated you’re the one

I’m the one? I said

Yes one of the three saviors of this planet she said

That’s what he archives’ said “when one’s stomach is in flair he shall be fire from affair”

What? I said

Remember the stories I use to tell you about the three kids

Yes? I said

Well, your one of them Kyro! She exclaimed

We need to get you to the fire master mark strive hurry kyro grab your stuff she said with a tear from her eye.

Ok mom I said

Kyro we need to leave now! Mom shouted.

Ok I’ll be right down! I shouted back.

They ran to the woods up the mountain which took several hours to get to Mike strive, he was at the top of the mountain in a tent which looked like some
homeless person lived in for centuries .

Master Strive I said

What do you want child master strive said

He’s the one mom answered quickly

What? He is master strive said

Yes he had the flair in his stomach like the prophecy said

I must train him like my own Strive said

What is his name? Said strive

Kyro mom said

A strong name for sure he shall be trained kyro! Come with me said strive

Mom said bye to me and left crying as loud as ever

I get to learn the fire element? I said

Yes it is a very graceful element and takes time to learn you are the first of the three we have found. I must inform the king said Strive.

The first move you shall learn his nothing said strive.

Nothing… nothing at all? I said

No first you shall learn to balance this power and how to use it also how to control it master Strive said.

Ok how does that work I asked.

Well, it starts at the pit of your stomach fire builds up and then release it said Strive.

Ok I’ll try it I said

Nothing happened to kyro nothing at all not even smoke or a spark even it looked dull for him but, master Strive drove kyro crazy with these tactics day in and
day out it took him a month before he could balance I within his body which is the right amount of time to learn the element base of fire now he needs to learn
some moves and how to control them and make them bigger and better.

The fire ball is the first and easies t of the moves to learn it takes no less than a day master strive said.

Start form your hand up through your shoulder and back down to your hand and release.

Like this? I said

Yes only with more strive and power master strive said.

*Boooom* there! I got it

Good but you broke my prized statue

Oh sorry master I said

It is acceptable my apprentice but, you shall do better keep trying.

After several good attempts after 4 hours kyro got it down so he could launch to right behind each other

Good… good kyro nice balance and power said master strive.

Well, I like to try my best, how long is this training I said.

It will take s 2 years and you shall know every fire element move out there but, it will be a long two years kyro but I have hope.

Thank you master strive I bowed then left

Kyro took a shower in the springs and slept on the worst bed he has ever slept on he was kind of use to this bed now after 3 weeks of sleeping on it

The next morning kyro woke up and there was a note on master’s door it read

“Kyro out to pick up food be back soon” ok I said

“Now time to practice my new move master will be so happy if I practice but, I must do my stretches first” I said to myself

Kyro did all his stretches and moves it had been 2 hours and master strive came back and kyro told him he practiced and all and at the end of the day master
strive was happy with kyro, and kyro went straight to bed that wasn’t much of a day but worth the training.

Last edited by Kyroseeker on Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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[Fan Fiction] The Alliance Empty Re: [Fan Fiction] The Alliance

Post by Soda Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:39 pm

I'm not reading this unless you use grammar, cos I can't.

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[Fan Fiction] The Alliance Empty Re: [Fan Fiction] The Alliance

Post by Guest Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:41 pm

This is a very good Fan Fic, but I agree with Soda, the grammar isnt great.


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[Fan Fiction] The Alliance Empty Re: [Fan Fiction] The Alliance

Post by Kyroseeker Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:03 pm

i punctuation checked it i hope its better now

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[Fan Fiction] The Alliance Empty Re: [Fan Fiction] The Alliance

Post by Soda Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:06 pm

You forgot the quotation mark!!!!!

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[Fan Fiction] The Alliance Empty Re The Alliiance!

Post by Gohan Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:49 pm

Agreed. Quotation marks make this helpful. Also use writing thing such as . ? and ! when you say something cause it can be very confusing.
Shy Guy
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